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Guarantee and Certifications

In a global, competitive and highly qualified market, submission to standards and supervision by regulatory bodies is an additional guarantee for our clients.

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is the international institution that sets the most rigorous standards in the construction and real estate sector. It brings together professionals to establish codes of conduct and standards whose key aims are: to regulate and promote the profession; to maintain the highest educational and professional standards; to protect clients and consumers through the implementation of a strict code of ethics; to provide impartial advice, analysis and guidance.

Areall is the only RICS-regulated company in Andalusia.
PMI® (Project Management Institute) is the reference organisation in the field of Project Management. Areall's professionals have accredited experience standards of more than 4,500 audited hours in project management. They have also passed the corresponding training tests and have been certified as PMP® (Project Manager Professional).
Bureau Veritas es lí­der en servicios de verificación, inspección, certificación y formación. Como entidad acreditada de reconocido prestigio y solvencia audita periódicamente nuestro sistema de gestión bajo los rigurosos y exigentes estándares de las normas internacionales ISO. Areall tiene su sistema de gestión certificado de acuerdo con la norma ISO 9001: 2015 por Bureau Veritas, con el siguiente alcance: Monitorización de Proyectos (Project Monitoring), Dirección de Proyectos ( Project Management), Consultoría Construcción, Consultoría Urbanismo, Consultoría Real Estate.

Política de Calidad de Areall

ISO 9001_ES

ISO 9001_EN

BREEAM® (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology) is the most technically advanced and technically advanced method of assessing and certifying the sustainability of technically the most advanced and world-leading sustainability assessment and certification method in building with +20 years in the market and +541,000 certified buildings in 77 countries since its creation in 1990.

In 2009, in response to the boom in demand for its international version applicable to buildings outside the United Kingdom, BREEAM® took a further step in its "Think Global, Act Local" strategy with the creation of National Scheme Operators (NSOs), entities that exclusively take on the adaptation of the certificate to the language, regulations and construction practice of a given country.

rise to the formation of an Advisory Board and the constitution of BREEAM® ES.

In a global, competitive and highly qualified market, compliance with standards and supervision by regulatory bodies is an additional guarantee for our customers.
Also with

Know Square is a network of independent, on-line and face-to-face managers, focused on sharing analysis, opinion, knowledge and relevant experience applicable to management and and management experience that brings together more than 2,600 company executives from 2,600 executives from companies in all sectors.